
November 18, 2024    
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Bookings closed


Doubletree Hotel (Syracuse)
6301 State Route 298, East Syracuse, NY, 13057

EPE Distance Education Program Training

Presenter: Lori Pallone, NYSED Certified Trainer

Morning Refreshments and Working Lunch Provided

EPE Distance Education training is intended exclusively for EPE funded programs approved to provide distance education, no other funded participants should attend. Program managers are strongly encouraged to attend the training so they are very familiar with AEPP expectations for their distance education teachers and data management. Topic areas will cover GRASP, SMART and ESL distance education programs, including student eligibility; packet material requirements; intake, orientation, and assessment guidelines; as well as record keeping and other instructor/program responsibilities. This is required training for any teacher assigned to EPE distance education programming. There is also a section on Fast Track programming for those who are approved to provide Fast Track under their EPE program.

This 6 hour training counts toward the 14 hours of professional development requirement for all NYSED funded program staff.


This event is fully booked.