
February 12, 2024    
11:00 am - 2:00 pm


Bookings closed


Doubletree Hotel (Syracuse)
6301 State Route 298, East Syracuse, NY, 13057

HSE Coordinators’ Networking Meeting

Presenter: James Matt, Director CST RAEN

Morning Refreshments and Networking Lunch Provided

This meeting is intended to bring together all programs with an interest in having the most up to date information on the pathways to a NYS High School Diploma.  Topics will cover important strategies for using GED Manager and other GED tools, as well as information about preparing your students for the test. Bring your concerns and any other helpful information you wish to share during this event.  We will all share a networking lunch.

This 3 hour meeting counts toward the 14 hours of professional development requirement for all NYSED funded program staff.


Registration is closed for this event.